Thursday, July 31, 2008

the neverending..

now what?!









gila aku nie. tak abis2 membeli. kalau ada laki nie,confirm kena pukul ngan penyapu. huhuhu.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

when boredom strikes..

whilst surfing the net it finally strikes me. boredom.
gila boring. i dont even know what to search anymore.
nak tgk handbag,ari2 dah tgk. tu jer laa yg mampu. TENGOK only.
whatelse can i do eh?

i guess at this time...

im going to sleep jer laa. nite ppl! (mcm laa ada org baca blog aku kan)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


tah pape jer ending cite sindarela tu. serious tah pape.
buat letih jer aku emosi. ingatkan si zoe tu nak laa terima balik si hussien dagu panjang tu. rupa2nye tak. she choose haidar. a but then,si haidar nie plak reject dia sebab nak si rania. serious tah pape. kalau tau.. baik accept hussien si dagu panjang tu.

or maybe btul kot cakap dia...

"cinta tak semestinya bersatu"

nothing much.. update.
went to my cousin engagement ceremony pada hari minggu.
balik terus rasa tak sihat sampai sekrang. and now aku tgh pening kepala+kembung perut tahap dewa. tolonggggg!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


aku tengah gigih mendownload cite ugly betty sambil2 tgk handbag. sekejap jer gigihnya. kena tido awal.
i'll be away for a short trip tomorrow.

happy weekend uols!

Friday, July 25, 2008


bulan rejab bulan yg sesuai utk ganti puasa. rasenye bapak ramainya org tgh puasa sekrang. dah dekat2 nak puasa baru laa nak ganti kan. biasa laa. ehe ;)
bila ganti puasa nie trus teringat time2 puasa kat ARB dulu. puasa ramai2. bila taleh puasa lagi laa ramai. hahahaha. ari2 order mcd. budak delivery mcd tu pun dah tak heran ngan kitaorg.

hm.. aku dah puasa 2 hari. 5 more days to go.

selamat berpuasa utk sape2 yg tgh puasa tu eh ;))

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

u got mail!

received it this morning. all the way from US.
im in lurveeeee with the colour,the smell of the leather. ahhh.. and the price also! *wink*
the price is much much cheapo buying at the states than buying it from the boutique here. even now they have the 50% sales pun it still mahal lagi.

nampak tak sticker yg saying "Ida TQ" tu?

no ana,im the one who should thank u :)
most def the best seller i've been dealing with!! thank u so soooooo much ana dearie!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

harus tonton.

baru balik dari tgk the dark knight. bagi aku cite nie so-so jer laa. batman sumpah bosan gila!
Joker adalah 1 watak yg sangat menarik. jahat gila okeh. and the make-up of two faces dent pun cun. papepun,bleh laa utk korang gi tgk cite nie.
kesimpulan aku... Batman sgt bosan!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


a very very slow day indeed today. yg lajunya cuma aktiviti makan2 saje.
my mom masak mee kari ngan nasi ayam today. oh harus laa tidak melepaskan peluang makan semua kan?! huhu. pastu my abah pegi kebun cari durian. then balik with durian yg dibeli dgn orang lain. tah pape jer. pegi kebun pun kua duit jugak. ehe.
so basically,i ate everything. and now tgh kepanasan sebab makan durian byk sgt. padan muka aku!

went out with ani yesterday to meet up with dirah. we had fun talking and gossiping. after all this years tak jumpa,dirah is still the same dirah. still comel mcm dulu :)

still.. hari nie adalah hari yg sgt slow. sigh.
knape laa internet connection malam nie sgt $%6^#$^*&*@!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

im eyeing on...


Tod's T Bag Media Tote

and this...

Celine Bittersweet

p/s : saje suka2. bukannya ade duit pun. huhu ;)


im no longer 'waiting'. pasti.

Friday, July 18, 2008

krispy kreme.

eh. btul ke? i was blog hopping and later found out that krispy kreme will be opening soon at KL.
btul ke eh? kalau btul.. beshnyaaaaaaa!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


..a friend of mine yg akan pgi scholarship interview tomorrow. im wishing u all the best!
part of me praying for ur success. part of me praying for u to fail. i know im cruel. but i have my own reason..

i dont know why..

so sudden i have this urge feeling utk bercakap mende yg aku lately rasa tak paham. bila aku tanya ani,jawapan dia since 4 taun lepas sama jer sampai sekrang.
penah tak korang jadi insan yg menanti? menanti mende yg pasti. tapi sekrang aku dah jadi tak paham. mende tu jadi pasti ke tak pasti. series aku tak paham. hari2 aku doa seblum tidur. hari2! dan sekrang aku dah kabur. kabur dgn mcm2. aku yg jadi tak pasti.
kita manusia nie tak penah lari dari buat silap. selalu menyimpang dari landasan. tapi aku selalu doa seandainya aku dah jauh dari landasan tu,cepat2 laa aku sedar,cepat2 laa aku naik balik ke landasan yg betul. cuma cepat atau lambat jer utk aku sedar. but at least i've learn. itu yg penting.

dan sekrang aku rasa mcm tak happy sgt. tatau kenapa.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


aku sudah ada perasaan emosi.
sebab aku nak anta email dari tadi taleh. eiiiii..
taim2 aku tgh kecemasan nie laa nak ada connection problem.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


...this is it. im officially broke. but happy.
i guess this is a point when u make a commitment in ur life and u need to work it out to make sure its going smoothly.

starting tomorrow i need to use my money wisely. there goes everything i wish for..

dear Allah,pls give me strenght and courages.

and yes. i still blame on the fuel increases factor. the price hike is killing me!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

ugly betty

i luv ugly betty so so sooooo much! enuff said. does anyone knows where to buy the second season dvd? im so malas nak tunggu dpn tv tiap2 minggu. kalau ade dvd,senang. tgk sekali harung jer.

kalau sape2 ada jumpa dvd ugly betty second season,let me know eh.
kalau tak pun,buy it for me first. i'll pay u back. promise! ;)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

jualan sempena mega sales. SOLD!!

i have stuff to let go.
Coach wristlet. 100% authentic. memang tak tipu sebab saya seorg yang tidak support fakes & imitation.
Selling price is RM 150.00 (i accept installment)
interested? Mail me!!

sekian sudah jualan mega sales saya.
Terima kasih :)

update on 16/07 : SOLD TO JEANURE!!


bosan. bosan. bosan. bosan. bosan. maha bosan. bosan. bosan. bosan.

oh yes. seorg lagi sepupu saya akan bertunang bulan ini. the exact date is on 27 july. apakah ini. musimkah? pertandingan kah?
urghhhhh! my minddddddddddd!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

im officially...


gila over handbags. uhu ;)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

"to love someone is nothing. to be loved by someone is something. to love and be loved by someone is everything"

hari ini..

...dalam sejarah. Dimana saya telah menonton 2 cerita di cinema. Maybe bagi org lain biasa jer. But not for me. Sebab saya tersgt laa jarang tgk wayang. Series. Sbab telah di mindset di mindaku ini yg menonton wayang tersgt laa membuang masa. Or is it sebab my ex dulu tak suka tgk wayang eh? So saya akhirnya terikut2 perangai dia? hmm..

I finally watched Sepi.
Nie pun selok2 tgk sbab ramai sgt yg dah tgk and recommend this movie. And im glad i did. Tak menyesal tgk.

Then i also watched Hancock.
Im actually teman-ing my sis&adik. Masa masuk cinema tu siap ugut ani lagi. Kalau tak best,siap. But hey.. i was wrong! Cerita dia sgt menarik. Best!
Even tho' dia superhero yg tade lawan supervillain ke ape ke(my adik ckp) tapi best laa cite dia. for me. ehe :))

And now..
I cant wait to watch hellboy2 and the dark knight :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008


urgh. the temptation is so high. i mean seriously. bila duit tak abis kat shopping mall,dia abis kat online shopping plak. urgh!!

godaan maha hebat. maha hebat.

Friday, July 4, 2008


adalah 1 perangai yg buruk. Allah pun benci sifat tamak nie. tapi,kenape aku tetap tamak? kenapa?
aku baru perasan kat wishlist aku tu baru 1 jer aku dpt. nak dpt yg lain tu makan masa. plus the financial factor jugak.
for wide angle/fisheye lens i need around 2k++.
to own a lappy i need around 5k++. (mind u,aku nak sony viao. kaler blazzing red) ehe ;)

pastu aku selok plak nak beli 'my ultimate dream bag' (kononnnn)

memang kumpul duit berpuluh tahun pun tak dapat kot. but i believe in myself. i believe in 'the law of attraction'. InsyaAllah i'll get what i wish for....

p/s : tamak tetap tak elok. TAK ELOK!


....'my ultimate dream bag'

usaha menabung gigih dijalankan. ade sape2 nak tolong ringankan beban saya? anyone?!

adi's engagement..

dah berzaman baru aku nak upload kan. huhu.
bila tgk balik gamba2 dlm camera rasa kelaka pun ade. gamba aqeil yg banyak sekali. gamba org bertunang tu ade laa 3 4 keping aje. huhuhu. mengong.

bila angin malas mengedit aku dtg...

ini tunang sepupu saya..

nie jer gamba hantaran yg aku amik.

haih.. ramai plak yg bertunang tahun nie. bertambah2 laa stress aku..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


whats wrong with our country politics nowadays. memang penuh drama. come on laa pakcik2.
hentikan segala skandal n drama. liwat laa ape laa. ngarut jer. gila!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


pnah tak rasa bosan mcm tade pape yang exciting berlaku dlm hidup? penah tak?
i do. lately rasa mcm bosan gilaaaaaaaa!!
nothing interesting to blog about. nadaaa.
life is dull at the moment.
