Sunday, April 12, 2009

hm. 3 entries for a day?

i wonder angin apa yg melanda. angin ahmar? angin kipas angin? angin kus kus?
i watched 2 movies yesterday. and i watched this movie just now..

best gila cite nie ok. for those yg tak tgk lagi,go watch it k :)

but mak still suka justin long. huhu.


Dirah said...

loved HJNTITY, too!

nnt bday dirah, kak ida bg handbag la eh. kak ida nye secondhand pun tkpe, i terima dgn tangan yg terbuka. then you can buy the bags on your wishlist. lol.

im a dreamer. said...

lol :P
what about the aussie thing?
any news?