Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1st raya 2009.

it was a good raya indeed. gathered at uwan's like usual. everyone was there except none other "u know who".
i had lost 2kg during the fasting month. tapi sumpah i gained more than that by the pagi raya only. huhu. mati laa..
taleh resist laa all the good foods. specially my mom's sup tulang. perghhhhh!! sedap gilaaaaaa!!
dah laa ma buat once a year jer. during raya only. kira cam signature dish dia laa.
this year mcm sedih skit. tak banyak pun gamba aku. uwaaaa! banyak gamba along ngan keluarga dia jer. apsal tah.

aha. gamba ini adalah gamba fav aku for this year. cam macho jer pokcik 3 org nie. huhu.


so,how was ur raya?

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