Sunday, July 4, 2010


We won! We won!!

We defeated the Argentina with 4 goals to NIL!! Great game by the Deutsch!!

yes U are the man!!

kind of dissapointed with O.zil performance today. where's the speed man?! Podo.lski is still Podo.lski.
sumpah tak sangka langsung nak menang. sumpah!
sumpah happy gila siap sebak. hahaha.
and now its either against Spain or Paraguay for the semi finals.

disebabkan tadi mr boyfie dah support my team. now kita support laa team dia balik.
Gudluck Spain!! pls make mr boyfie happy. plsssss!!

p/s : tgk muka O.zil kat pic tu sejibik gila muka mr boyfie. hahaha. dia benci ok kalau org ckp mcm tu.


Ida Izwani said...

hoverr sungguh commentor ni...huhu..yeahh after my team dh kemas beg balik kampung, I will support Germany.. Or adakah Spain..I sapot seme except Uruguay boleh??huhuhu...tetapi sumpah game semalam mmg best giler..Germany mmg hebat..Ya...laki aku pun ckap Ozil is Faiz...hehe..and apis pun ada semlm tp tk ingat mende tah nama dia..anyway, casillas is so yummyy and mmg tgk tk game kul 2??

im a dreamer. said...

aku tau apis cam sape.
cam Muller kan? hahaha. gaya ok.
casillas tu poyo wei. jadi poyo gitu dah dia. sejak awek dia sokmo menyibuk belakang gol. hahaha.
baik laa xavi.

p/s:lain kali jgn laa ejek team org. bluekkkk :P