Tuesday, November 25, 2008

online shopping

i love online shopping. seriously,more than anything. i've mention it thousand times already.

my sis,had introduced me a blog which sell baby items. just now she uploaded car seats(read:maxi cosi priori/chicco)
ade 3 maxi cosi priori. tapi 3 3 kiteorg tak dapat. rasanye macam dah cepat gila aku msg. still tak dapat. urghhh! series mcm perang!

it would be great kalau dapat. i will put the carseat on my car. so that aqeil have to sit still and i can drive peacefully. sighs.

btw,does anyone knows about psp 3000? i need all the infos now tayah dah. sebab saya dah google about it.

1 comment:

lymeq said...

ahhh...online shopping.what would we do w/o them. =) but seriously...leh keringkan pocket.